BC Academy is affiliated with certification institutions, which must safeguard their impartiality at all times. For this reason, BC Academy must also take and maintain an impartial position.

We believe it is important that our training courses meet your expectations, which is why we are clear about what BC Academy can or cannot offer.

It is important to know that our training courses are designed to transfer general knowledge and skills that can be applied in different situations.

Extensive knowledge transfer

Our training courses are designed to transfer knowledge regarding theoretical backgrounds and the various methodologies and tools relevant to your field. Therefore, you can expect explanations about related theories, methodologies, techniques or tools.

Explanation (certification) criteria

Our experienced trainers are experts and can provide clear explanations about the meaning of (certification) criteria. They are happy to help you better understand these criteria.

Best practices

Our trainers are happy to share their knowledge and experience about proven best practices. This enables you to learn from the experiences of others.

No specific advice

In the context of impartiality and independence, our trainers cannot offer customer-specific solutions or advice. Although our trainers have extensive knowledge in their field, they are not allowed to provide specific solutions or advice tailored to individual situations.