Trainer: Joost Holstvoogd
Date: 06/10/2025
Location: Baarn
Price:  7.895,00

 7.895,00Add to cart

BC 5701 Implementation professional

This training is provided in Dutch. 

The content of this course is the same as BC 5701 Lead Implementor. In this 10-day course, there is more time per topic and room to address your implementation challenges. During the programme, you will apply the implementation steps in your own organisation and receive feedback and tips. This course is therefore ideal for professionals who will be leading the implementation of BC 5701 in their own organisation.

Prior knowledge

A sound theoretical and practical knowledge of the GDPR is an absolute must for this course. In addition, knowledge and/or experience in the field of organizational science, project management and information security contribute to the return on the course.

Target group

Are you going to supervise the implementation of the BC 5701 within your organization and do you want to have the confidence of a sound implementation process? Do you not only want to gain knowledge and insight, but also receive feedback on your own implementation? Then this practice-oriented course is the right choice. The course supports you for a year in implementing BC 5701. Not only with knowledge and skills, but also with practical feedback tailored to your own situation.

Continuously up-to-date

If you have participated in a BC 5701 training, you will be invited to the annual expert sessions. During these sessions, the latest developments with regard to the GDPR Certification Standard and Criteria BC 5701 are discussed. Learning moments and insights from implementation processes and certification audits are shared. This way, you stay up-to-date and the training retains its value.


  • Scope; what you can and cannot certify.
  • Establishing requirements; what you all need to consider.
  • Processing chains; it seems simple until…
  • Privacy risk management; what is privacy risk management.
  • Privacy by design; how to give it form and substance.
  • Management system; ensuring GDPR compliance.
  • Implementation; the project and the resulting change.
  • Certification; product and management system certification.


This training has two exam formats, namely an implementation portfolio or a written exam.

If you are able to successfully complete the implementation of BC 5701 during the training, you will receive the diploma ‘BC 5701 Lead Implementor’ based on your implementation portfolio. If, due to circumstances, you are unable to complete the implementation of BC 5701 within the training period, you will be given the opportunity to complete the training with the written exam ‘BC 5701 Lead Implementor’. If you pass this exam, you will also receive the diploma ‘BC 5701 Lead Implementor’.

As a BC 5701 Lead Implementor, you will be given the opportunity to be included in the ‘BC 5701 Professionals register’ of Brand Compliance and Piims Academy.

Study load

We assume that you have studied the Certification Standard BC 5701 prior to the first day of class. Please take into account a study load of 8-12 hours. Intervision meetings will take place between the training days, which you will plan in consultation with each other. Please take into account approximately 4 hours per month for this. The most important thing is that you will start implementing the BC 5701 within your own organization during the training. Although this is difficult to regard as a study load, you should take into account that during the training you will be busy on average 2-3 days per week with the guidance of the implementation within your organization. Of course, the time required depends on your own experience, the support you receive from the organization and the size and complexity of the object of certification.

Please note! If you have a lot of experience with implementing certification standards, the shorter and more theoretical ‘Lead Implementor’ variant of this training is probably a better choice for you.

Location & dates

The training will be provided by Joost Holstvoogd of Piims Academy.

Day 1

  • Monday 6 October 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 2

  • Tuesday 6 October 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 3

  • Monday 1 December 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 4

  • Monday 12 January 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 5

  • Monday 9 February 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 6

  • Monday 9 March 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 7

  • Monday 13 April 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 8

  • Monday 18 May 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 9

  • Monday 15 July 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 10

  • Monday 21 September 2026
  • 9 AM – 5 PM


NH Hotel Jan Tabak
Amersfoortsestraatweg 27
1401 CV Bussum

Group size

This training will take place when a minimum of 8 participants have registered. With 12 enrolments, the group is full. You can then sign up for the waiting list.


€ 7.895,- (excl. VAT) € 9.552,95 (incl. VAT)

The price includes:

  • Course materials
  • Exam and diploma fees
  • A bound version of the BC 5701
  • Package costs (location, lunch, coffee/tea/water)

Not included:

Costs related to any (overnight) stay.