Trainer: Joost Holstvoogd
Date: 30/01/2025
Location: Baarn
Price:  3.223,00

 3.223,00Add to cart

BC 5701 internal auditor

In this 4-day BC 5701 Internal Auditor course, you will learn to fulfil the role of internal auditor. You will learn how to reliably determine the quality of the implementation and operationalization of the GDPR Certification Standard and Criteria BC 5701:2023. You will learn an appropriate approach for each domain within BC 5701 (legal, technical and organizational). The aim is that you can provide the organization with an objective and reliable picture in the quality of its implementation and/or operationalization of the BC 5701 and thus contribute to the continuous improvement of personal data protection.

Prior knowledge

To participate in this programme, you should have successfully completed the BC 5701 Implementation Professional programme.

Target group

By successfully completing the BC 5701 Implementation Professional course, you have proven that you know what it is to implement the GDPR Certification Standard and Criteria BC 5701:2023. Now you want to take it a step further. You want to assess the quality of others’ implementations of the BC 5701, support organizations in their audit obligation or add more depth to your advice. Then this is the course for you.

  • Internal auditors
  • Implementation professionals
  • Data Protection Officers

Stay up-to-date

If you have participated in a BC 5701 training course, you will be invited to the annual expert sessions. During these sessions, the latest developments regarding the GDPR Certification Standard and criteria BC 5701:2023 are discussed. Learning moments and insights from implementation processes and certification audits are shared. This keeps you up-to-date and the training retains its value.

What is not covered within this training

This training is not a full auditor training course. The basic skills for auditing management systems are assumed to be familiar. The focus of this training is on the specific skills required to assess an implementation and/or execution of the GDPR Certification Standard and Criteria BC 5701:2023. In addition, the training pays only passing attention to (inter)personal skills that are also needed to ensure a smooth audit.


Training content

  • Differences between management systems audits and product certification audits.
  • Differences between internal audits and certification audits.
  • Reviewing the different domains of the GDPR certification standard and criteria BC 5701:2023 (legal, technical and organizational).
  • Engaging (external) specialists.
  • Critical audit aspects of the GDPR certification standard and criteria BC 5701:2023.
  • Audit plan and audit planning.
  • Recording the audit findings and standardizing discrepancies.
  • Reporting of audit findings.


You complete the training with a written exam. If you pass this exam, you will receive the official certificate ‘BC 5701 Internal Auditor’ and, if you wish, you will be registered with the Internal Auditor qualification in Brand Compliance‘s ‘BC 5701 Professionals register’.

Study load

The course has no homework between classes. However, you should study ISO 19011:2018 (Guidelines for conducting audits of management systems) prior to the first day of classes. The cost of the ISO standard (approximately €220 excluding VAT) is not included in the price of this course.

Location & dates

Day 1

  • Thursday 30 January 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 2

  • Friday 31 January 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 3

  • Thursday 13 February 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM

Day 4

  • Friday 14 February 2025
  • 9 AM – 5 PM


Koetshuis Kasteel de Hooge Vuursche
Hilversumsestraatweg 103
3744 KC Baarn
View in Google Maps

Group size

This course will take place when a minimum of 8 participants have registered. With 12 registrations, the group is full. You can then sign up for the waiting list.



€3,223 (excl. VAT) €3,899.83 (incl. VAT)

The price includes:

  • Course materials
  • A printed hardcover version of the BC 5701
  • Package costs (location, lunch, coffee/tea/water)

Not included:

  • Costs related to any (overnight) stay.
  • The cost of the ISO-19011:2018 (approximately €220 excluding VAT).